The terms Residency and Walking contain juxtaposing senses of motion; to reside insinuates staying put whilst walking is about being in motion. ReRouting’s Walking Residencies are about resting whilst seeking out new routes.

ReRouting organises a variety of residency formats that take on different sites to stroll, sometimes solo and other times with others. The frameworks explore the use of walking as a studio, with streets and pathways becoming places for exchange, production, and research.

Our walking residency partners in Berlin currently include Co-Making Matters at Haus der Statistik & Künstlerhof Frohnau

Weekend Walking Residency 
@ Künstlerhof Frohnau

The residency takes a weekend format and is focused on bringing together local, Berlin-based artists and cultural practitioners to spend a moment away in Frohnau forest that sits on the city’s edge. The site holds traces from the old route of the Berlin Wall. By walking the area together the residency is an invitation to exchange practices whilst also seek connections on once divided terrain.

Walking Studio Residencies with
Co-Making Matters
@ Haus der Statistik

This series of residencies is an invitation to walk city terrain, specifically the centre ‘Mitte’ of Berlin. In collaboration with Co-Making Matters, a multidisciplinary project based at Haus der Statistik, a container space is offered to artists on a 1 week to 2 week basis, acting as a place for rest and reflection as they use the local streets as their studio.

Get in touch if you are interested in this residency format!