The contemporary cultural climate can often feel exclusive, precarious and unsustainable. The system as it stands has reached a dead-end. It is time to step off the treadmill and reroute. This is where The ReRouting Project begins its journey.

There are many ways to walk: to stroll, to ramble, to stumble, to wheel, to trespass, to head somewhere specific or without direction, to meander, to get lost, to find one's way again. Walking should not be defined by moving with two feet, but rather getting from one point to another by whatever means are available to you. Whatever way one walks, the action of moving between places creates a temporary link between two points; a wall of sorts.

As the route of a walk gathers more points, these walls connect and a space is formed. This newly imagined walking space with its momentary walls holds the potential to present artworks, host conversations and performances, to create a place for people to gather and to meet or for a solo moment of contemplation. These actions can also take place both inside and out, as a walking space has the capacity to exist within and move between both the public and private.

ReRouting believes an architecture of sustainable curatorial spaces can be built through walking and moving together with others. These spaces can be shaped both through partnerships with pre-existing projects and by independent wayfinding.

As a curatorial platform and in-motion space for research, exchange, and encounter, ReRouting hosts various artistic actions including artist-led walks, performances, workshops, group and individual residencies, and a conversation archive titled Walking with...

This project aims to encourage a new generation of audience, curator, and artist to rethink what curatorial space can be, to reconsider excessive production and fast-faced consumption, to remember to step away from the digital space and engage with others in-person, to find ways to reroute from broken systems and discover new paths.

Diagrams based on drawings courtesy of Mohamad Kanaan

* ReRouting began in Summer 2022 from a series of walk propositions.

* The project is co-ordinated by
Clementine Butler-Gallie,
Viviane Tabach and Nisha Merit.
Many of our projects are
enriched by partnerships.

* We are based out of Berlin but our shapeshifting framework means our project’s future routes
and destinations remain open.

* ReRouting is an initiative
of and registered via
Merit Art Collective e.V.