As part of ReRouting’s research-in-motion, various walking actions and events are organized, inviting publics to join the process and connect with others along the way. At times, the actions are independently initiated, simply bringing bodies to a place and within an artistic context to move together. Other times, the walk actions act as an extension to an already existing exhibition or are conceptualised on the invitation of a cultural space.

30.03.2025 @ 14:00-16:00
Meeting Point: Priesterweg S-Bahn
FOOTNOTE: Allotment Gardens Through Comparison with Arba Bekteshi
What narratives can be subverted by focusing on the role of gardens as catalysts for urban development rather than on establishment buildings?
The politics surrounding allotment gardens, - shaped by high prices, assigned scarcity and inheritance policies, as well as the fact that most community gardens need to be project-driven to justify their existence, - challenge the idea that gardens and gardening in Berlin can be sustainable.
Departing from a comparison to Tirana, gardens in Berlin are separated from the house and placed elsewhere, making for different ways of inhabiting the space. Allotment and community gardens in Berlin constitute fragmentary instances of what being in the garden can be. Join us in an embodied walk as we explore the urban ecologies of Berlin’s allotment gardens as we walk around the Roseneck, Einigkeit, Alte Ziegenweide and Canova colonies, and reflect on themes of affect, care and sensorial commons.
This event is supported by Culture Moves Europe

25.01.2025 @ 16:00 - 18:00
Meeting point: Altes Museum, Bodestr. 1-3, 10178, Berlin
AMAZONEN im Altes Museum
“We need stories that are just big enough to gather up the complexities and keep the edges open and greedy for surprising new and old connections.” Staying with the Trouble, Donna J. Haraway
The Amazons welcome you in the space they have long inhabited in the city: the Altes Musuem. Through an ecofeminist and decolonial lens, you will be invited to engage with the ancient warrior women, the legendary tales about them, and their home in Berlin—probably not their dream home, though.
29.09.2024 @ 16:00
From Bärenzwinger to Flussbad Garten, Berlin
RIPPLES: Walk along the Spree
The walk invites participants to move together to the rhythms of the water and share stories of waterways from both near and far. The Spree becomes a catalyst to weave connections with sources of water that have shaped culture, art, music, history, and more, reflecting on how they influence memory and imagination. The walk is led by Viviane Tabach and Clementine Butler-Gallie as part of ‘Day on and along the River’ an extension of Bärenzwinger’s exhibition ‘By Way of Water’.
Image credit: Cleo Wächter, Bärenzwinger, 2024

16-29.08.2024 @ 15:00
As part of Floating University’s Free Radicals Residency on the invitation of Co-Making Matters, Berlin
The workshop took place in sessions across 2 weeks, inviting participants to explore what a "footnote" to their practice could be and how these ideas could be shared through a group walk. The sessions focused on practical, collective learning, using movement and shared exploration as methods of exchange. The workshop ended with a public presentation of footnotes across the Floating University site.

There are many ways to walk, with each mode offering different ways of seeing what surrounds us. This workshop disrupts the role of leader with the group determining the routes, speeds, and motions of how we ‘walk through’ the Radical Playgrounds site.
The workshop was created on invitation by playworker Viviane Tabach.
12.07.2024 @ 15:00
Radical Playgrounds, Berliner Festspiele, Berlin
Walk through, around, over,
under, beyond

05.07.2024 @ 16:00
Co-Making Matters, Haus der Statistik, Berlin
as part of the Ko-Markt
FOOTNOTE: Backwards into the Future with Mozh Dinani
Reflecting on a text by Walter Benjamin where he writes in response to a work by Paul Klee ‘The storm irresistibly propels him into the future to which his back is turned, while the pile of debris before him grows skyward. This storm is what we call progress.’
Taking this as a footnote from her time as walking resident, Mozh Dinani invites the group to walk backwards into the future.

28.02.2024 @ 17:00
Co-Making Matters, Haus der Statistik, Berlin
Walking on Eggshells with
Jasmina Al-Qaisi
On conclusion of Al-Qaisi’s walking residency, where she invited people to join her in conversation over a fried egg, we will gather in the container’s courtyard to walk on eggshells together.

12.23-01-24 @ Co-Making Matters Window at Haus der Statistik, Berlin
07.24 @ Radical Playgrounds, Gropius Bau, Berlin
Walk Poems
Three walk poems are the outcome of a collective ‘Writing Walking Instructions’ workshop led by curator and art mediator Viviane Tabach. The workshop was part of ReRouting’s first Walking Residency that took place at Künstlerhof Frohnau and the surrounding Frohnau forest in September, 2023.
Walk poems edited by: Viviane Tabach, Clementine Butler-Gallie, Daniela Medina Poch, Nina Berfelde, Derek MF Di Fabio
Workshop participants: Viviane Tabach, Clementine Butler-Gallie, Nina Berfelde, Derek MF Di Fabio, Anna Ratcliffe, Sarah Messerschmidt

Stadtmacher Akademie Symposium brings together initiatives from across Germany who are looking to rethink cities for the common good. ReRouting’s mission will be presented in this context. On the occasion, ReRouting has invited artist Soazic Guezennec’s project Happy Tourists Get Lost, which in turn invites you on an extraordinary exploration of nowhere!
14.10.2023 @ 13:00
Dragoner Areal, Berlin - Stadtmacher Akademie Symposium
by Soazic Guezennec - See more
Happy Tourists Get Lost

SODAS2123 and Vilnius Academy of Arts, Vilnius
See more
Symposium: Walking is
Still Honest
Curator Clementine Butler-Gallie is presenting the concept of ReRouting and the potential of walking with others as a curatorial space as part of the symposium Walking is still honest: About being and moving together organised by Vilnius Academy of Arts at SODAS2123.

23.07.2023 @ 18:30
FKA SIX, Ring Center Shopping Mall
Frankfurter Allee 111, 10247, Berlin
On Volatile Grounds
Volatile Grounds is a sound piece by Nour Sokhon that uses recordings from Lebanon to explore issues of waste management and land reclamation in the region. This sound walk invites the audience to leave the exhibition space and enter its direct surroundings, a Berlin shopping mall, to further consider along with the artist the larger topic of consumption.

24.06.2022 @ 18:00
Meeting point Tiergarten S-Bahn
Walk led by Clementine Butler-Gallie
Benches and Books in Tiergarten
A literary walk that invites participants to read together from textual scenes set in the Tiergarten by authors including Kirsty Bell, Hans Fallada, Günter Grass, Rosa Luxemburg, and Christa Wolf. The selected writings span 100 years to reveal the social fabric of a People’s Park.

20.06.2022 @ 14:00
Meeting point Dokumenta 15 location ‘Compost Heap’ in Karlsaue park, Kassel
Sharing Sounds at Documenta 15
An invitation for visitors of Dokumenta 15’s opening week to meet and listen to one another’s experiences of the project. Prior to the walk, participants are invited to record a sound from something experienced whilst exploring. A collective listening is proposed as an attempt to find nodes of experience in such a vast exhibition, followed by in-motion conversation through the park.